'V-Max secondary checks'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Mon, Mar 07th, 2011 @ 20:51 ( . )

Syncs are only "read" by counting cycles during the sync. The drive goes into "free fall" from the time the 10th bit occurs and the end of a sync mark. We aren't reading real $FF bytes during this time, just inserting them into the stream according to density and cycle counting. For that reason, we also run into motor speed, belt drive flutter, etc. That's probably why it measures it twice during protection check.

So it is possible that the sync length is wrong, and very much probably is. Arnd Menge has tweaked this code to be much closer now- it did lose a bit here and there before. I will reread an original and see how different it is. Also, VICE is inaccurate in sync counting as well, so what works on a real drive may be off in emulation.

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--* V-Max secondary checks
3/08/2011 @ 02:19--Lord Crass
3/09/2011 @ 01:10----Lord Crass
3/09/2011 @ 20:35------Lord Crass
3/09/2011 @ 22:08--------Lord Crass
3/10/2011 @ 08:20----------Pete Rittwage
3/10/2011 @ 11:09------------Lord Crass
3/10/2011 @ 14:15--------------Pete Rittwage
3/10/2011 @ 16:29----------------Lord Crass
3/08/2011 @ 18:37--SaxxonPike
3/08/2011 @ 18:51----hyper active

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