'V-Max secondary checks'
Author:Lord Crass (guest: search)
Date: Wed, Mar 09th, 2011 @ 22:08 ( . )

Naturally, the amount of sync I need to add amounts to 4 bits. Is there a way to add a nibble of sync to a G64 image? Would it require adding a $F0 to the end of the existing sync and then bit shifting the rest of the track back into those lower four bits? If so, is there a G64 editor out there to make this easier? My hex editor doesn't really do this properly.

Is it possible to use speed zones in the G64 image to alter the read speed of the sync marks? I tried this, but either I edited the wrong bytes (modifying these files by hand is a real pain), or it just plain doesn't work.

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--* V-Max secondary checks
3/10/2011 @ 08:20--Pete Rittwage
3/10/2011 @ 11:09----Lord Crass
3/10/2011 @ 14:15------Pete Rittwage
3/10/2011 @ 16:29--------Lord Crass

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