'V-Max secondary checks'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Thu, Mar 10th, 2011 @ 08:20 ( . )

On 03/09/2011 @ 22:08, Lord Crass wrote :
Naturally, the amount of sync I need to add amounts to 4 bits. Is there a way to add a nibble of sync to a G64 image? Would it require adding a $F0 to the end of the existing sync and then bit shifting the rest of the track back into those lower four bits? If so, is there a G64 editor out there to make this easier? My hex editor doesn't really do this properly.
: Is it possible to use speed zones in the G64 image to alter the read speed of the sync marks? I tried this, but either I edited the wrong bytes (modifying these files by hand is a real pain), or it just plain doesn't work.

Just add it to the beginning - i.e. change the last byte before the sync to $5f or something (or change according to what is already there, this data is almost always expendable).

I don't think any emulator knows about speed zones- they can't interpret the byte-aligned data given to them with a different density.

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--* V-Max secondary checks
3/10/2011 @ 11:09--Lord Crass
3/10/2011 @ 14:15----Pete Rittwage
3/10/2011 @ 16:29------Lord Crass

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