'How did the drive find data on no-sync t'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Mon, Feb 26th, 2007 @ 21:04 ( . )

On 02/26/2007 @ 20:45, Jim Drew wrote :
You can write code self modifying code that will retry all 8 bit shifts. This is how I was able to read/write the EPYX and other stuff that was sync-less.

For copying to a real disk, it's not an issue since you just write what you read.

It's only a problem for current emulators, since they only access the G64 file on byte boundaries. That appears to be changing with VICE and may already be the way HOXS does it. Since there is no way to know without disassembly that signature it's looking for, I just have to bitshift the track until it matches the signature.

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--* How did the drive find data on no-sync t
2/28/2007 @ 14:41--Keith Henrickson
3/03/2007 @ 22:54----Pete Rittwage
3/04/2007 @ 14:28------Nate
3/07/2007 @ 09:58------JimDrew
3/14/2007 @ 23:08--------Pete Rittwage

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