'How did the drive find data on no-sync t'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Sat, Mar 03rd, 2007 @ 22:54 ( . )

As for how the drive read it- nothing fancy. If you poll the memory address the drive head puts the data into directly, you don't have to worry about sync. The sync marks are only for the drive to frame each byte properly.

A good comparison is an analog record album. You can keep "picking up the needle and dropping it on the record" until you hear the part of the song you like. :)

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--* How did the drive find data on no-sync t
3/04/2007 @ 14:28--Nate
3/07/2007 @ 09:58--JimDrew
3/14/2007 @ 23:08----Pete Rittwage

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