'Geos 1.2 Drean Commodore'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Tue, Oct 09th, 2012 @ 03:45 ( . )

Hi again.
I have a copy of defender of the crown and track 20 contains 11 bytes of unformatted data. When I try to dump it with the current version of nibtools, it has terrible trouble reading the track, and the signature often gets scrambled, it can take many tries to get a good read of the track. Mnib on the other hand seems to be able to analyze the track more deeply and produce a good working dump on every try.
I think something similar has been done with track 36. nibtools rev 571 gets confused and can't make sense of the information because track 36 is mostly unformatted except for the 600 bytes of signature data at the beginning of the track.

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--* Geos 1.2 Drean Commodore
10/09/2012 @ 10:52--Pete Rittwage
10/09/2012 @ 19:42----hyper active
10/10/2012 @ 17:27------hyper active
11/04/2012 @ 13:35------Pete Rittwage

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