'Geos 1.2 Drean Commodore'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Tue, Oct 09th, 2012 @ 19:42 ( . )

Hi. Perhaps you could make a commandline switch that makes the new nibread operate and/or mimic old mnib,. That way, if you think your images get dumped incorrectly, you could use this switch. you could also have a commandline switch to use older density detection routines. you know that when you change something to fix one problem, it's more likely to break something else and create another problem, so it would probably be better if you made this behaviour optional.
btw: I have the hard to read track 20 version of DOTC, which contains 11 bytes of unformatted data in the middle of the track. newer versions of nibtools have a tougher time reading it than mnib does, I just tried running mnib on the disk twice.

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--* Geos 1.2 Drean Commodore
10/10/2012 @ 17:27--hyper active
11/04/2012 @ 13:35--Pete Rittwage

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