'Fairlight Para-protect'
Author:Spirantho (registered user: 1 posts )
Date: Thu, May 12th, 2011 @ 05:03 ( . )


(First post here!)

I came here to ask a very similar question!

I'm trying to load my copy of Bobby Bearing, and it crashes back to BASIC when I load it. And guess what? It's Para-protect. And it's track 40 that's failing, same as your trouble.

Does you 1541 have an original CPU in it? I've just had to replace mine with a Rockwell 6502AP which loads other stuff just fine, but maybe it's not exactly the same.

Given the reason for C64s only using 35 tracks (that mechanisms were unrealiable past track 35), is it possible that we both have early drives and The Edge stupidly tested a track which not all 1541s could read reliably?

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--* Fairlight Para-protect
5/12/2011 @ 06:05--hyper active
5/12/2011 @ 08:15----Pete Rittwage
5/12/2011 @ 08:28------Pete Rittwage
5/12/2011 @ 18:23--------Mayhem
5/12/2011 @ 20:32----------hyper active
5/13/2011 @ 01:07------------Mayhem
5/13/2011 @ 01:35--------------hyper active
5/13/2011 @ 12:55----------------Mayhem
5/31/2011 @ 11:52------------------Mayhem
5/12/2011 @ 21:00----------Lord Crass
5/13/2011 @ 02:07------------hyper active
5/13/2011 @ 20:32------------Lord Crass
5/14/2011 @ 00:27--------------Lord Crass
6/23/2011 @ 18:10----------------hyper active
6/23/2011 @ 19:24------------------hyper active
6/23/2011 @ 21:52--------------------hyper active
6/24/2011 @ 03:22----------------------hyper active
6/25/2011 @ 00:06----------------------Mayhem
7/02/2011 @ 15:01------------------------Pete Rittwage
7/03/2011 @ 20:37--------------------------hyper active

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