'Fairlight Para-protect'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Fri, Jun 24th, 2011 @ 03:22 ( . )

Now I think I have it figured out.
After my 1541 drive has been off for a few hours, and I turn it on, and measure the drive speed, it's not exactly 300rpm, it's more like 299.92 rpm.
But the longer I leave it on, the higher the speed goes, if I leave it on for half an hour it will run slightly above 300rpm.
I think this earlier Para-protection relies a lot on drive speed. If it's slightly slower, the odds are the game will die when it attempts to read the signature on track 40.
I left my drive switched off for a few hours and when I turned it back on, the game wouldn't load.
but when I came back after an hour and tried it again, the protection passed and the game started up.
So There's something for you to ponder the next time you have trouble with a para-protected game. Sheesh, they don't call themselves "paranoid software" for nothing.

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