'Rainbow Arts V1 '
Author:bluebirdpod (registered user: 28 posts )
Date: Tue, Mar 10th, 2009 @ 17:24 ( . )

Pete is trying to tell you that with the proper use of hardware copiers, they will usually copy "anything", but they need to be told how to copy the program, thus a parameter. I have had great luck using Burst Nibbler to copy many of the semi-standard disks, in otherwords, if most of the disk is normal, Burst Nibbler should be able to copy it. It does well on Weak Bits, and most sync tracks. The MNIB cable uses the same connection to the 1541 to be able to handle the complete track data. It connects between the user port on the C64/128 and one of the VIA chips in the 1541. It does not use parameters so called, but has a few options to adjust the copy. Adjust syncs is one. I have found that if you have a SupercardPlus V6.0 and Ramboard with Maverick 5.04 and a BurstNibbler cable, you can copy almost everything out there. The only title I couldnt copy was Graphics Transformer, but I bet it CAN copy be copied if someone wrote a parameter to make SupercardPlus copy it. damn another plug for Jim Drew.

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