'MNIB documentation?'
Author:Lord Crass (guest: search)
Date: Fri, Nov 03rd, 2006 @ 01:53 ( . )

Is there any info on some of the more obscure options/output of mnib? For example, when imaging, I'll see stuff like this:

36: !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> [NDOS] 7190

I can assume that it's a non-CBMDOS track and has 7190 bytes on it, but what's the !> mean, and what's the diff between RAWMATCH and SECMATCH? Should I be concerned if I'm seeing weak bits?

For options, what are the values to pass the -p (custom protection handler) argument?

I imaged my 3 Stooges disks and saw all kinds of weirdness in the reading like the lines above, but the resulting G64 files worked flawlessly in Vice, so I'm probably being paranoid, but it's nice to know what all this means.

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'MNIB documentation?'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Fri, Nov 03rd, 2006 @ 07:37 ( . )

I haven't written up a detailed manual, no.

!> means the track length detected was longer than what would fit on a track of that density, so it was retried until it got one that was the right size (7140).

Those Cinemaware disks are tough to get a good read of all the tracks every time. Send your images to me so they can be compared and analyzed.

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