'Infiltrator II (no protection) Likely Fr'
Author:OgreDSD (registered user: 2 posts )
Date: Sat, Jun 02nd, 2018 @ 00:13 ( . )

I have confirmed that the unprotected version of Infiltrator II from the database is an exact match (at the D64 level) for the version of the game that came in the Test Pilot Bundle.

I have the original disks from said bundle and confirmed the match using both Maverick 5 Disk Compare and nibscan

FYI : The complete games list from the bundle is:

* Infiltrator II
* Harrier
* Tomahawk
* Crazy Cars

I haven't checked any of the other disks in the bundle yet, but will report any findings.

Hope that helps,


PS: There doesn't seem to be a de-facto web reference for the Test Pilot Bundle, but googling will show lots of pics and some discussion.

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