'Any Kryoflux experiences made yet'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Sun, Apr 15th, 2012 @ 20:03 ( . )

Hi there.
If you have trouble trying to create a Rainbow Arts track 36 that will work under every emulator, it shouldn't be much of a concern, because not all emulators are up to the same standard. At least kryoflux is able to ascertain what the actual contents of the track are, and it's actual size, rather than having nibtools take a rough guess at what it is.

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'Any Kryoflux experiences made yet'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Sun, Apr 15th, 2012 @ 20:42 ( . )

A "rough guess"?

Haha- it's a little better than that. We see what the 1541 hardware sees, which is almost all the matters except for extreme cases.

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