'About the Cables?'
Author:TPKawleski (registered user: 8 posts )
Date: Mon, Feb 13th, 2012 @ 05:29 ( . )

I found a slew of links, regarding cables and connectors, and dongles, and interfaces, serial, parallel, serial-parallel combo... i'm wrapped up in cabling and haven't even touched one.

If it's something i gotta buy, i don't recall seeing a store even. I'll search the history banks, but in the mean time, i wanted to wave a flag out there, if there's any info on where to start with cables and other stuff.

I mean, serial and parallel might even mean something different in my memory, so please expect me not to read minds, and be descriptive.. That'd be helpful,

On 01/11/2012 @ 20:55, hyper active wrote :
You'll also need either a 1541 with a parallel interface. If you don't have anyone who can help you attach the interface to the drive, you could use a 1571 drive, which requires no parallel interface at all.

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'About the Cables?'
Author:TPKawleski (registered user: 8 posts )
Date: Tue, Jun 12th, 2012 @ 09:58 ( . )

Alright, i don't know about you folks, but i didn't lug these boxes around to just purchase ready made off-the-shelf components for them. This is the only life-long hacking project i retain from my youth. (All other fluff has been shed from those cruel early days)

So, i'm having trouble getting answers about this, like part of the experience Was the hacking, so i'm using that up!


i found this link, that depicts the hacks themselves, hope you all find these useful, let me know if you've had them work or not, or anything else pertinent for the readers.

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