'Help can't remaster sinbad v-max '
Author:Fungus (registered user: 20 posts )
Date: Sat, Mar 12th, 2011 @ 01:16 ( . )

I think your memory fails. Your confusing v-max 3 and 2 with each other. Heh. Anyways, every single sector in v-max 2 was executed after loading. There was always a small ml routine there to set the next track and sector to read, and then jump back into the loader. Of course any embedded check could be implanted into any sector in the load chain. This is how DOTC really has the check embedded, so you need to be able to decode the GCR which is being used to see the sector construction.

Granted all my originals with v-max 2 have this particular scheme and I've written generic tools to pull out files and sectors to look at them. I've only seen 2 different block id codes, but there could be more. However it seems v-max 2 was either different, or updated for different regions or runs, because some of Pete's disks differ from mine.

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