'Individual protection schemes'
Author:Fungus (registered user: 20 posts )
Date: Thu, Dec 02nd, 2010 @ 08:05 ( . )

I can provide disassemblies and notes for several vesions of Pirate Busters/Slayer if you would like some help on the article. It was used not only on EA games, but also a few by access. Later it changed a bunch and became ProDos, but most versions of that use a similar if not the same format of the key track.

The key track varies from disk to disk, early version of it (called pirate busters) had 2 key tracks located on tracks 36 and 37, with 2 slightly different keys.

the most common (track 2) is constructed like so.

track contruction

track formatted by writing $3000 * $55

$44F * $D7
$200 * $CC $AD
$AD $55 $AE $9B $55 $AD $55 $CB $AE $6B $AB $AD $AF $AB $AD $AD

repeated 3 times

sometimes a block of $100 to $400 $00 written (weak bits) after

creates pattern $11 $22 $44 $88 when read back

1541 when reading 00's always creates pattern %00010001 when reading, and clock desynchronization shifts the bit pattern to the left after a few bytes, usually 8.

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