'Older EA loader disassembly...'
Author:Keith Henrickson (registered user: 2 posts )
Date: Mon, May 10th, 2010 @ 02:07 ( . )

Ok, so I finally got curious and took apart the older EA (fat track) loader. I even ended up writing a disassembler for the P-code that it uses.

I know it's not earthshattering, but the EA protection section is a bit thin on details. If someone would like me to write up an article on the loader and the P-code, I'd be happy to.

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'Older EA loader disassembly...'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Mon, May 10th, 2010 @ 09:00 ( . )

On 05/10/2010 @ 02:07, Keith Henrickson wrote :
Ok, so I finally got curious and took apart the older EA (fat track) loader. I even ended up writing a disassembler for the P-code that it uses.
: I know it's not earthshattering, but the EA protection section is a bit thin on details. If someone would like me to write up an article on the loader and the P-code, I'd be happy to.

Hi Keith,

Yes, please do. It would be much appreciated. E-mail it to me at peter@c64preservation.com and I'll be happy to put it up on the site.

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'Older EA loader disassembly...'
Author:Kevin (guest: search)
Date: Wed, Jun 02nd, 2010 @ 08:57 ( . )

I remember trying to crack Hard Hat Mack and another EA game (One on One?) with a friend. In the end, we figured out that the loader wasn't "protected" and we inserted a BRK where the JMP command was to run the program. After that, the file was just 10 SYS 2063 (or something like that). We saved it and had a cracked copy. Some of the later games like Archon didn't work that way though.

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