'How were protected disks duplicated afte'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Mon, Jan 19th, 2009 @ 16:32 ( . )

That is mostly correct- thanks BBP.

There are a few other exceptions:

1) There was one newer variant of V-MAX! I called V4. No real games of note were released this way. I think a re-re-release of Atarisoft Galaxian and Pole Position from Thunder Mountain, of all things. It has a different loader and I'm not sure if Daryl Krans was able to make these remaster.

2) Some images require adding in the extra sync bits that are lost. They used the bare minimum 10 bits, and there is just enough jitter in the drive to sometimes read these as 9 bits, causing the track to remaster out of frame. It's simple to fix these tracks, though.

3) Some V2 titles have to have the loader processed, as their track 20 loader has "bad GCR" in it, causing it to read out of frame most of the time. They can also be processed to fix them.

4) The weird extra protection in Defender of the Crown actually shows up on a couple other titles, notably the Gamestar sports releases.


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