'USB to DB25 adaptors'
Author:Wolfgang Moser (guest: search)
Date: Tue, Mar 04th, 2008 @ 13:45 ( . )

Hi Rixa,

with OpenCBM and standalone PCI (or PCIe) parallel port cards:

It is that when an IRQ is generated on such parallel port cards, then it does not get routed into the OpenCBM driver somehow. Generating an IRQ and getting it into the openCBM driver does work flawlessly with mainboard integrated parallel ports, but not with dedicated I/O cards.

Spiro and I already invested several weeks three years ago without finding out what the true reason for this could be. From time to time I am buying a new PCI or PCIe card here and there without having had any success ntil now.

Take note: It all depends on the the ability to generate and route IRQ requests for the Windows and Linux ports of MNib/Nibtools. As long as you are using the DOS port, such dedicated I/O cards probably _do_ work, since no IRQ is needed for DOS being a non-multitasking system.


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--* USB to DB25 adaptors
3/05/2008 @ 20:25--Nate

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