'New filename bug?'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Sun, Dec 31st, 2006 @ 23:02 ( . )

On 12/31/2006 @ 22:57, Pete Rittwage wrote :
BTW, I'll look into the bug with interactive filenames... It probably stems from not properly clearing STDIN or something.

I tried and couldn't reproduce it. Either I fixed it already when you mentioned it, or it only happens in the DOS version. Unfortunately I don't have a DOS machine setup anymore and have been using OpenCBM for the last year or so.

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--* New filename bug?
2/08/2007 @ 12:25--Ian Colquhoun
2/08/2007 @ 13:14----Pete Rittwage
2/08/2007 @ 13:38------Ian Colquhoun

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