Author:Chuck COchems (guest: search)
Date: Tue, Jan 18th, 2005 @ 01:55 ( . )

I actually have this. this protection is a BITCH.

There are many levels to it. basically, as near as I can tell, the first stage loader loads the second stage loader in encrypted form. It then goes to track 21 to read the decryption key to the second stage loader. it then decryps it in a process that takes about 15 seconds, and displays a "drive will stop. please wait" message. If the key is read incorrectly, the loader bombs right there. If the key is present, the second stage loader is decrypted and then starts, which is your standard synapse block load and decrypter. Loads each block with block read, and decrypts it to computer memory, while displaying a message that flashes two different colors.

This program is very easy to FREEZE, but i was never able to nibble the thing, and using sixpack does not produce a working .g64 file!

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