'mnib switches'
Author:Rixa (guest: search)
Date: Sat, Apr 08th, 2006 @ 04:51 ( . )

I'm a bit puzzled by the mnib switches as described in readme.txt and the help. The options -r -g, and -0 are marked "(R)" even though the description of these switches indicates they only affect writing.

I also only noticed from the source code that n2g recognizes the options -f, -r, -0, -g, -a and -h. If it was documented somewhere I missed it, and the n2g help doesn't tell.

Does the -h switch in n2g do something? It does not seem to write halftrack data even with that option, and even when mnib has been run with -h. (I was curious about a drive alignment data disk)

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--* mnib switches
4/08/2006 @ 08:25--Pete Rittwage

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