'Power supply query. '
Author:Danker Than Clanker (registered user: 6 posts )
Date: Thu, Apr 24th, 2014 @ 20:27 ( . )

On 04/24/2014 @ 20:18, Pete Rittwage wrote :
No power at all? I would check the power supply to make sure it's outputting 5VDC, and 9VAC as it should.
: There is a fuse in the C64, and on rare occasions the power switch could be bad...

Could you do me a favour and plug in your C64 transformer without plugging it into the commodore and see if it makes a noise. Also try again with it plugged in and post your findings please? It may confirm what I need to know.

I can't see any issues with the C64 Mainboard, but I'm not ruling anything out yet. I also tested the internal fuse. That's not an issue.


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--* Power supply query.
4/24/2014 @ 20:30--Pete Rittwage
4/24/2014 @ 20:32----Danker Than Clanker
4/24/2014 @ 20:53------Danker Than Clanker

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