'Disk Preservation Updates Thread'
Author:System (guest: search)
Date: Sun, Mar 16th, 2014 @ 17:29 ( . )

C64 Disk Preservation Updates for Sun, 16 Mar 14 17:29:37 -0400

Title: Arkanoid
Publisher: Taito
Year: 1988
Protection: V-MAX! V3b - works
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 15:53:06
Title: Kung Fu: Way of the Exploding Fist (08-15-85 version)
Publisher: UXB
Year: 1985
Protection: very elaborate. checks unformatted tracks at the beginning and end of disk, $55 byte pattern in weak bits on track 20, then track 19 signature pattern with long sync.
Contributor: sbegue, steverd
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 21:56:00
Title: Street Sports Baseball
Publisher: Epyx
Year: 1987
Protection: vorpal
Contributor: jerry, quapil
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:11:55
Title: Bulldog (NTSC)
Publisher: Epyx
Year: 1987
Protection: checks signature on track 18
Contributor: reid
Notes: cifo
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:11:49
Title: Raid Over Moscow (newer version)
Publisher: Access
Year: 1984
Protection: signature on track 36
Contributor: jerry, davem
Notes: cifo - this release contains a fastloader
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:23:00
Title: Thai Boxing
Publisher: Anco
Year: 1986
Protection: xemag 2. fat on 35/36.
Contributor: steverd
Notes: cifo - verified - still loads and runs title screen if protection fails, but won't load game.
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 22:03:04
Title: HES Games
Publisher: HES
Year: 1984
Protection: checks e5's on track 31 before event starts
Contributor: steverd
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 21:51:56
Title: Spy Vs. Spy (NTSC) (M4)
Publisher: First Star
Year: 1984
Protection: check signature on t5, then 30 - only tracks 11-23 (and 5 and 30) are formatted.
Notes: cifo - alternate has no protection, came from overseas
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:54:28
Title: Action Classics I (Pitfall! and Demon Attack)
Publisher: Activision
Year: unknown
Protection: xemag 2.0 (fat on 35/36)
Contributor: steverd
Notes: cifo
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:12:08
Title: Mindroll
Publisher: Epyx
Year: 1988
Protection: signature on track 19
Contributor: steverd
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 21:56:56
Title: Arkanoid II
Publisher: Taito
Year: 1988
Protection: V-MAX! V3a - works
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 15:53:42
Title: Lotus Espirit Turbo Challenge (PAL)
Publisher: Gremlin
Year: 1992
Protection: none
Contributor: dc, joerg
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:29:10
Title: Hellfire
Publisher: Martech
Year: 1988
Protection: para-protect - signature on track 40 - a single sector and the rest is unformatted.
Contributor: joerg
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:26:45
Title: Starray
Publisher: Logotron
Year: 1989
Protection: none
Contributor: quapil
Notes: cifo - verified - Prism Leisure release.
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:09:48
Title: Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition (PAL) (10-9-86)
Publisher: Domark
Year: 1986
Protection: GMA/Securispeed
Contributor: DC
Notes: clean image from original
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:06:48
Title: Dark Castle
Publisher: Three Sixty
Year: 1987
Protection: none
Contributor: lyons, jerry, steverd
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:03:14
Title: Smart Start
Publisher: MUSE
Year: 1984
Protection: none
Contributor: nickp, steverd
Notes: cifo - alt seems to be only different in some directory entries, data is same
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:08:35
Title: Super Boulder Dash
Publisher: EA
Year: 1986
Protection: pirateslayer earlier variant, but the protection passes if the tracks aren't present.
Contributor: jerry, steverd
Notes: cifo - verified - s1 is original Boulder Dash and s2 is Boulder Dash II.
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 22:00:22
Title: The Great Escape (NTSC)
Publisher: Thunder Mountain
Year: 1986
Protection: checks signature on track 9
Contributor: jerry, steverd
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:04:35
Title: Two for One (Compilation) (PAL)
Publisher: Mastertronic
Year: 1985
Protection: none
Contributor: dc, kent
Notes: cifo - contains the games "Ice Palace" and "Hopto"
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:57:57
Title: Super Password
Publisher: GameTek
Year: 1988
Protection: none
Contributor: davem, jcompton, reid
Notes: cifo
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:28:06
Title: Trio
Publisher: SoftSync
Year: 1984
Protection: xemag 2.0
Contributor: visegrips, steverd
Notes: cifo - two versions of this, one with no protection, the other with XEMAG (fat track on 35/36)
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:13:02
Title: Raid Over Moscow
Publisher: Access
Year: 1984
Protection: none
Contributor: reid
Notes: cifo - has ID 01 and no protection, could be very first release, or a budget re-release
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:25:43
Title: Barbarian II (PAL)
Publisher: Palace
Year: 1988
Protection: cyan loader v2 (weak bits on t31)
Contributor: mayhem, davies
Notes: cifo
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-02-20 20:54:56
Title: Dolphin's Rune
Publisher: Mindscape
Year: 1985
Protection: none
Contributor: jcompton, jllastro
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 2
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:17:41
Title: Children's Trivia
Publisher: Cymbal
Year: 1984
Protection: none
Contributor: sbegue
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:21:33
Title: Spy vs. Spy Arctic Antics (PAL)
Publisher: First Star / DataByte
Year: 1987
Protection: signature on track 35
Contributor: jerry, joerg
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:33:53
Title: Monkey Magic (PAL)
Publisher: Solar Software
Year: 1984
Protection: none
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:58:48
Title: 3001: A Sound Odyssey
Publisher: Sight and Sound
Year: 1984
Protection: checks signature on t17
Contributor: sbegue
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 22:20:36
Title: Alphabet Circus
Publisher: Neosoft
Year: 1984
Protection: checks error on t18s18
Contributor: sbegue
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-01 22:22:39
Title: Sherlock
Publisher: Bantam
Year: 198x
Protection: track 30.5 contains same data as 30, otherwise protection fails. not a fat track... 31 is different. mastered with 96 TPI drive.
Contributor: quapil
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 15:58:30
Title: Trivial Pursuit: Baby Boomer Edition
Publisher: Domark
Year: 1987
Protection: GMA/Securispeed
Contributor: quapil
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:07:32
Title: Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition (PAL) (German)
Publisher: Domark
Year: 1988
Protection: GMA/Securispeed 88
Contributor: quapil, joerg
Notes: cifo - verified
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:01:51
Title: Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition (PAL) (08-20-86)
Publisher: Domark
Year: 1986
Protection: GMA/Securispeed
Contributor: DC
Notes: clean image from original
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-02 16:07:00
Title: Afterburner (PAL)
Publisher: Activision
Year: 1988
Protection: none
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo - "Arcade Champions" budget release
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:26:47
Title: Alien Storm
Publisher: US Gold / Sega
Year: 1991
Protection: none
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:31:50
Title: Spy Hunter
Publisher: 1983
Year: Ozisoft
Protection: checks error on t22s10 (Ocean)
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:41:57
Title: Spy Vs. Spy (PAL) (GH)
Publisher: First Star
Year: 1984
Protection: checks signature (weak area) on track 36
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo - came from Australia
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 16:50:59
Title: Renegade (PAL)
Publisher: Imagine
Year: 1987
Protection: checks error on t22s10
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:02:56
Title: Rocky Horror Show
Publisher: CRL
Year: 1987
Protection: checks garbage tracks 1-4
Contributor: kent
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 17:07:29

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