'Quick Question and Direction'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Tue, Sep 04th, 2012 @ 14:14 ( . )

On 09/04/2012 @ 13:09, Nate wrote :
Ok, thanks for clarifying. I will try the -t flag and see if I can figure out why it would fail for you.
: As for the drive warming up, that just sounds like a hardware problem on the drive side. No one else has reported that.


There are two ways the "timer" track alignment worked. In the original version, we calculated the motor speed and did approximate calculations of how long it took to "get back around" to the next revolution. We then just waited a bit and sent the next track.

I later replaced this with code that runs inside the drive itself. It unformats the tracks (all 00) then writes a short sync to each while moving the heads across the disk. This causes a small skew, but works pretty well. I was never able to get the VIA timers programmed to wait exactly the right amount of time for the next revolution. We then use the "wait for sync" writing option to "align" the tracks.

Now, with ZF, the extra commands used to tell the code to wait for a sync, or wait for IHS, don't work. They cause the ZF to timeout. I thought that Arnd had modified the ZoomFloppy firmware code to work at some point after release, but it may be lost, as I can't find the e-mail.


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9/06/2012 @ 13:41--Nate

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