'Quiwi is copy protected'
Author:JimDrew (registered user: 23 posts )
Date: Fri, Aug 17th, 2012 @ 17:01 ( . )

I agree, a new format (G64v2 or whatever you want to call it) needs to be developed. Something flexible enough to maintain small images for generic data, but also can be expanded to provide detailed data for the density information (every byte). Weak bits can be handled by writing a 00 in place of the changing data. I think all images should be dumped starting from the index, as 99.99% of everything ever duplicated on commercial machines used the index mark for the start of the track, and later protections used the alignment for protection too.

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--* Quiwi is copy protected
8/19/2012 @ 18:12--Nate

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