Author:Displacer (registered user: 14 posts )
Date: Wed, Jun 27th, 2012 @ 21:42 ( . )

ProDOS is Apple isn't it?

What I'm dealing with now isn't any kind of fast loader if that's what you mean. Its all copy protection. It's encrypted I lost count of how many layers deep and by several different encryption methods. On top of that it has several checksums for the code at several places, all to do the check of T2 S0 and if any of it fails the programs checks out to never never land.

Unfortunately I forgot to put in my notes where and how the drive code that does the check gets to the buffer so I'll have to go through all that decryption mess yet again :(

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--* PirateSlayer
6/27/2012 @ 21:53--Pete Rittwage
6/27/2012 @ 22:15----Displacer
6/28/2012 @ 05:32------hyper active
6/28/2012 @ 08:31--------Pete Rittwage
6/28/2012 @ 08:40----------Displacer
6/28/2012 @ 11:16------------Displacer
6/28/2012 @ 15:48--------------LordCrass
6/28/2012 @ 16:05----------------Displacer
6/28/2012 @ 20:38------------------LordCrass
6/28/2012 @ 21:49--------------------Displacer
7/01/2012 @ 11:31----------------------Displacer
7/01/2012 @ 12:51------------------------Displacer
8/18/2012 @ 06:59--------------------------Fungus

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