'Disk Preservation Updates Thread'
Author:System (guest: search)
Date: Mon, May 14th, 2012 @ 04:02 ( . )

C64 Disk Preservation Updates for Mon, 14 May 12 04:02:02 -0400

Title: Arc of Yesod (NTSC)
Publisher: Firebird
Year: 1985
Protection: GMA85 - sig on t37
Contributor: mayhem, jani
Notes: cifo
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2012-05-13 18:23:19
Title: Nodes of Yesod (NTSC)
Publisher: Firebird
Year: 1985
Protection: GMA85 - sig on t37
Contributor: mayhem, jani
Notes: cifo - verified - alt has GMA4 instead of GMA5 in a single sector difference
Verified: 1
Last Modified: 2012-05-13 18:23:53
Title: Plasmatron (NTSC)
Publisher: Avantage
Year: 1987
Protection: checks signature (or something else like skew, I haven't disassembled) on track 16-18.
Contributor: jerry
Notes: cifo - loads when remastered back to real media and C64, fails load on any (NTSC) emulator I tried
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2012-05-13 18:18:09
Title: Plasmatron (NTSC)
Publisher: Avantage
Year: 1987
Protection: rapidlok
Contributor: jerry
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2012-05-13 18:19:03
Title: Power (NTSC)
Publisher: Avantage
Year: 1986
Protection: rapidlok v6
Contributor: jerry
Notes: cifo
Verified: 0
Last Modified: 2012-05-13 18:33:08

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