'Bounty Bob'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Tue, Apr 10th, 2012 @ 21:29 ( . )

It's a custom copier, meaning it was created just to write out this one title... which is all it does. It copies a couple of tracks of regular CBM data, then reads in all the halftracks and writes them back out while sweeping the tracks.

It would basically take a custom write routine, and there is no "will" on my part.

I already have a Super-Card+. :)

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--* Bounty Bob
5/15/2012 @ 01:01--Jim Drew
5/15/2012 @ 01:04----Jim Drew
5/16/2012 @ 09:21------bluebirdpod
5/16/2012 @ 12:29------jerrykurtz

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