'About the Cables?'
Author:TPKawleski (registered user: 8 posts )
Date: Mon, Feb 13th, 2012 @ 05:29 ( . )

I found a slew of links, regarding cables and connectors, and dongles, and interfaces, serial, parallel, serial-parallel combo... i'm wrapped up in cabling and haven't even touched one.

If it's something i gotta buy, i don't recall seeing a store even. I'll search the history banks, but in the mean time, i wanted to wave a flag out there, if there's any info on where to start with cables and other stuff.

I mean, serial and parallel might even mean something different in my memory, so please expect me not to read minds, and be descriptive.. That'd be helpful,

On 01/11/2012 @ 20:55, hyper active wrote :
You'll also need either a 1541 with a parallel interface. If you don't have anyone who can help you attach the interface to the drive, you could use a 1571 drive, which requires no parallel interface at all.

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--* About the Cables?
6/12/2012 @ 09:58--TPKawleski

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