'W.A.R. (Martech 1986)'
Author:Lord Crass (guest: search)
Date: Thu, Feb 02nd, 2012 @ 22:23 ( . )

It's not looking for GCR values. The track sync protection just records into the drive memory what sector it lands on when it moves from one track to the other. You wind up with a table in drive memory ($0568) of 6 sector numbers: 13, 12, 9, 1, 2, 2.

The C64 retrieves these values and either compares them to hard-coded values, or uses them in a transform or key of some sort. I never got around to finishing off the analysis of the compiled basic, so I'm not entirely sure what it does with them.

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--* W.A.R. (Martech 1986)
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