Author:TPKawleski (registered user: 8 posts )
Date: Wed, Jan 11th, 2012 @ 11:52 ( . )

This looks like a good spot...

...Hi as well!! Seems to be a good season to relax and reminisce.

I've got GEOS. not to many games, and hardly any originals of those. These were WORK COMPUTERS in our household (having grown up in business..)

Still got the originals in darn good shape... but, as for a "quick-start" method i haven't found..

I thrive on HOW-TO's with my limited resources and time...

Perhaps someone could direct me to a logical step-by-step method to get on and imaging!?

So far i'd like to check some assumptions...

>i want an X1541 Cable? (as in, Is that the BEST OPTION; if i have the hardware??)

>PC sofware for imaging? (is there commodore software that does a more accurate and reliable job? (considering the emulation factor..)

Like for crazy stuff i happen to have built myself a pretty handy lab over the prior year... i'd like to put it to some useful projects!!

I should have the parts, or easy to acquire them..
for some direction:

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1/11/2012 @ 20:43--sniggyma
1/11/2012 @ 20:55----hyper active
2/13/2012 @ 05:02------TPKawleski

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