'Tools to work on g64 et al'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Tue, Jun 21st, 2011 @ 09:37 ( . )

I recall trying that at some point, but the problem is that you often lose framing when reading at the wrong bit rate, and it can't be put back together again reliably. Timing isn't perfect on belt driven drives and at unknown rotation speed, and I don't think you can test rotation speed without writing data.

Even worse, some drives (some 1541-II's especially) will return random data that isn't based on the actual flux stream, when out of framing.

I can look at it again if there's something I missed, though.

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--* Tools to work on g64 et al
6/22/2011 @ 13:14--Nate
7/02/2011 @ 15:02----Pete Rittwage
7/02/2011 @ 15:02------Pete Rittwage
7/03/2011 @ 07:50--------Fungus
7/13/2011 @ 00:46----------hyper active

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