'V-Max Filesystem and Technical Design No'
Author:Lord Crass (guest: search)
Date: Fri, Mar 18th, 2011 @ 21:24 ( . )

That one's in the track 20 DOS code at $100 for pretty much every version of V-Max since then. Just checked and it's in my 3 Stooges and Take Down images.

Hmm, oddly enough, neither of those images of mine work in Vice 2.3 any more, yet they still work in Vice 2.2.

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--* V-Max Filesystem and Technical Design No
3/19/2011 @ 14:39--J Achernar
3/19/2011 @ 15:27----Lord Crass
3/19/2011 @ 17:45------hyper active

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