'Help can't remaster sinbad v-max '
Author:VMAXX (registered user: 6 posts )
Date: Mon, Feb 28th, 2011 @ 09:49 ( . )

I think we ended up stripping the gears on some drives as a result, so we discontinued that trick eventually.

Another random protection crash could happen on On Field Football. There each time you were tackled, the screen would shake. If the scroll registers on the C64 were updated at a random point in time (as it would in a Basic timing loop) there would be screen tearing during the shake. But worse, the same hardware controlled the RAM refresh circuitry, so that randomly timed changes to the scroll register could cause the RAM refresh to be missed, resulting in random loss of data and eventual lockups. In the authentic game, the scroll register update loop waited for V-sync...

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--* Help can't remaster sinbad v-max
2/28/2011 @ 18:57--hyper active
3/12/2011 @ 01:16----Fungus

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