'v-max redumping'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Wed, Feb 23rd, 2011 @ 08:46 ( . )

All the V-MAX disks in my library are originals that I dumped myself (except PAL versions).

There are a few that have a "patched" version, but the original is kept in those cases and the patched versions are marked as such. Remember that <= VMAX2 is normal CBM DOS formatted sectors.

I try very hard to only have original images in the database. The exceptions are images that were sent in and the user "thought" they were originals.

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--* v-max redumping
2/24/2011 @ 22:33--Fungus
2/25/2011 @ 08:03----Pete Rittwage

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