'v-max redumping'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Thu, Jan 20th, 2011 @ 04:51 ( . )

Hi, I've been messing about with superstar ice hockey.
It appears to use the same nasty 2 long track protection like Defender of the crown on tracks 12 and 17. After displaying the title screen, it attempts to load the rest of the game but as soon as it hits track 17, it jumps right back to track 12 and tries to load the same segment over and over again.
I'd love to see how nibtools rev 485 would handle this situation.
I tried using a really old copy of mnib with my original disk of express raider, the one with the George Heyward protection, and it thinks that tracks 38 and 39 are unformatted, however nibtools rev: 485 has no such problems reading it.
So my thinking is: if rev 485 can read, and remaster a tricky protection like George Heyward, Maybe, just maybe rev 485 can read v-max long tracks.

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