'More >0.8.0 woes'
Author:Jason Compton (guest: search)
Date: Tue, Jul 27th, 2010 @ 22:30 ( . )

I'm running into some more instances where 0.8.0 seems to do a better job than later versions (in this case, 0.8.5.)

I actually dropped down to OpenCBM d64copy to grab Planetfall r20 after I got suspicious, tried the nib I got from 085, and it failed in-game $verify. The OpenCBM d64 works correctly, as does the 080 nib converted to g64. Every attempt to use a g64 from 085 fails $verify. The 080 nib works in-game and nibscan confirms it has the same data as the d64copy.

Attached (spread out over a few replies to deal with the 250K attachment limit):

planetfall.nib - nibread 085, fails
planetfall_try2.nib - nibread 085, fails
planetfall.d64 - d64copy, works
planetfall080.nib - nibread 080, works

To test, load game and enter
at prompt.


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--* More >0.8.0 woes
7/27/2010 @ 22:32--Jason Compton
7/27/2010 @ 22:32----Jason Compton
7/27/2010 @ 22:33------Jason Compton
7/27/2010 @ 22:44--------Jason Compton
7/27/2010 @ 22:45----------Jason Compton
7/28/2010 @ 13:22------------Pete Rittwage
7/28/2010 @ 17:50--------------Pete Rittwage
7/28/2010 @ 20:00----------------J Achernar

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