'Is this a bug in aussie games or nibtool'
Author:hyper active (registered user: 296 posts )
Date: Tue, Jun 29th, 2010 @ 01:51 ( . )

side 3 of aussie games works, I just tested it out.
Peter thought both side 1 and 3 were broken, Maybe he meant side 2? there is a problem with the boomerang event, but that's not a disk error, it's a design flaw within the game itself, my sighted assistant says the picture is all blurred and distorted, I tried downloading a cracked copy and loaded up the boomerang event and she says the picture is all wrong in that version as well.
anyway peter, Here's my fixed version of side one of aussie games and you can replace the faulty side 1 in the next gamebase version.

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--* Is this a bug in aussie games or nibtool
6/29/2010 @ 02:19--hyper active

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