'Fat tracks in emulation'
Author:Pete Rittwage (registered user: 558 posts )
Date: Fri, Apr 10th, 2009 @ 07:56 ( . )

Hi Rixa,

I can't speak about the 1541u's emulation because I can't afford one currently. However, when written back out to disk, it only goes through the protection check once, of course, 34,34.5,35, then the game starts.

I can't write that out to disk aligned perfectly (even with an index hole, it's still off a little) so that wouldn't be the same data, but it still passes on the real 1541. There was no such device in the 80's (or ever, probably) that could actually write a "fat" track- this is just two tracks with a known skew between them (0 in this case) .

I think it is just measuring the time between sectors when switching tracks from 34-35 and that must not be quite right with the 1541u.

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--* Fat tracks in emulation
4/11/2009 @ 01:28--Rixa
4/12/2009 @ 13:29--Lord Crass
4/12/2009 @ 20:52----Pete Rittwage
4/13/2009 @ 01:50------Lord Crass
4/13/2009 @ 09:28--------Pete Rittwage
4/13/2009 @ 13:47----------Womo
11/16/2010 @ 18:41------------J Achernar

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