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Routine $07B0:   Entry Point, get current file Track/Sector, load RL6 sectors into memory

This is the entry point of RapidLok6 inside the 1541 (nice hint). It's the "strange looking garbage" you see in Figure #1 of the last tutorial (Track 18, Sector 0). The $07xx memory is the buffer for the BAM, so this code gets automatically into the drive's memory when a file gets loaded by the normal 1541 ROM routines. The code gets executed by the "M-E" command sent from the C64-client. First this routine locates the currently loaded Directory sector and extracts some values from the Directory record of the file that has to be loaded (i.e. starting Track/Sector). There has to be some Directory sector in memory because the 1541 ROM has to find the details for the file to be loaded. Then it signals the C64-client to pass $02DA-$02DF wait loop. Finally the RapidLok sectors 6,9,12,15 from Track 18 are loaded into the drive memory and execution is passed to the $0206 routine.

07B0: 78 SEI 07B1: AD 90 02 LDA $0290 ; get currently loaded Track 18 Directory sector 07B4: A2 05 LDX #$05 Jump from $07BC: 07B6: D5 08 CMP $08,X ; search Sectors of all Floppy Jobs for matching currently loaded Directory sector 07B8: F0 04 BEQ $07BE ; branch if Floppy Job was found that loaded the current Directory sector 07BA: CA DEX 07BB: CA DEX 07BC: 10 F8 BPL $07B6 Jump from $07B8: 07BE: 8A TXA 07BF: 69 99 ADC #$99 ; add delta value to get current pointer into buffer containing Directory Sector 07C1: 8D CF 07 STA $07CF ; update own code below to use that pointer 07C4: A2 04 LDX #$04 07C6: A0 1A LDY #$1A 07C8: 8C 07 1C STY $1C07 07CB: 8C 00 18 STY $1800 ; Signal for C64-client to pass $02DA-$02DF wait loop Jump from $07D4: 07CE: B1 9D LDA ($9D),Y ; copy 5-byte info from current file's Directory data record to [$77-$7B] 07D0: 95 77 STA $77,X ; [$77-$78] = start track & sector ID of file to find & read (encrypted) 07D2: 88 DEY 07D3: CA DEX 07D4: 10 F8 BPL $07CE 07D6: A5 22 LDA $22 ; Current track for drive 0: Track 18 07D8: A2 08 LDX #$08 07DA: A0 03 LDY #$03 Jump from $07E5: 07DC: 94 07 STY $07,X ; set Sectors 3,6,9,12,15 to Jobs #4 - #0 07DE: 95 06 STA $06,X ; set Track 18 to Jobs #4 - #0 07E0: C8 INY 07E1: C8 INY 07E2: C8 INY 07E3: CA DEX 07E4: CA DEX 07E5: 10 F5 BPL $07DC 07E7: A2 03 LDX #$03 Jump from $07F3, $07F8: 07E9: A0 80 LDY #$80 07EB: 94 00 STY $00,X ; set $80 = Read sector to Jobs #3 - #0 (sectors 6,9,12,15 -> [$06xx]-[$03xx]) 07ED: 58 CLI ; enable Interrupts so Jobs can be executed by 1541 Jump from $07F0: 07EE: B5 00 LDA $00,X ; get Job status/results 07F0: 30 FC BMI $07EE ; Job result <0 if not executed so far 07F2: 4A LSR A ; A = Job result (=1 if Everything OK) 07F3: D0 F4 BNE $07E9 ; branch to restart Job if something wrong with Job result 07F5: A5 3A LDA $3A ; parity for data buffer 07F7: CA DEX 07F8: 10 EF BPL $07E9 07FA: 78 SEI ; prevent following Job #4 from being executed (would overwrite code here) 07FB: 84 04 STY $04 ; set $80 = Read sector to Job #4 (buffer $07xx) 07FD: 4C 06 02 JMP $0206 Previous Page / Next Page